Saturday, September 23, 2006

Another Reason to Love Sears

Those of you that know me, know that I love Sears. Not only the store, but the brands. Here is yet another great reason to love Sears.

This is their online parts store. You type in ANY Sears brand model number, and you get a diagram and parts list. I have used it twice this week for my mower and my drill; both of which I abuse and after this much time, you expect to have a replace a few parts here and there. Its MUCH cheaper than buying a new tool of another brand because you can't buy replacement parts.

I also used it for our dishwasher. Last year it started leaking, so I pulled up the parts diagram from the Sears parts store, and was able to use it as a guide when I tore it apart to replace the seal that was bad (which of course I was able to order as well).

Lastly, my grandpa gave me his old angle grinder because the motor went out. Now, they don't make them this big anymore, but even though it was old, I decided to check the Sears part store. Sure enough, they still have parts for it!

Just something to think about when you buy new tools and household items.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Last Weekend and Your Life Expectancy

Last weekend we went caming with some of my friends from college. I thought it was a lot of fun. I learned a new game, played some washers, canoed for a few hours, did some hiking, its was relaxing. The river was alittle low, so canoeing took a little more effort than normal, but oh well. The weather was nice, food was good, good times. My wife doesn't really like camping too much, but she played some games and hopefully wasn't too bored.

So I am stealing this idea, but its still cool. This site,, calculates how old you should live to be. I should live to be 88 years old. Leave me a reply with your life expectancy.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Falling Away

I have been looking forward to this CD for a few weeks now. I thought the radio single "Invincible" sounded different. Lead singer Tony Byroads left the band to be with his family. It is obvious where the creative talent and sound came from here. This new CD isn't bad, but they should have changed their name from Crossfade, this is a much different sound. I am let down.