Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fun with Favicons!

So I played around, and created a favicon for our web site. Check it out. You may have to save the page as a favorite before you see it. (BTW, a favicon is the little icon that shows up next to the URL of a web site in your browser). Also, I finally figured out a design I like for the site, so I have begun implementation. I still have some work left to do, but getting close. Its up now as of last night.


Let me know what you think.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I don't even like CSI, but its in HD Dolby Digital, I am watching!

PBS in HD, thats cool too!


For those of you out there wanting a free method of keeping in touch with college and high school friends, try Facebook. Its nice and free. You will need a college email account, but nowadays, for those of us out of college, you can get free alumni email forwarding accounts from your school.

Its Done

Peja, welcome. I am excited to see how this prolific shooter will help our post presence.


Monday, January 23, 2006

New Toy

So we have been thinking about buying a TV for a few months now (since mine died). I had written off buying one until after the Superbowl due to price cuts then, but when the 50" Sony SXRD went on super 25% off sale, it was time.

Time to rearrange the living room.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Just listen to me, I know what I am talking about

To me, music is important. I don't think I could make it through a day of work without my iPod anymore. Luckily, my wife is also into music; we share a lot of the same tastes in music (which helps with CD purchases), but not always. Here are a couple recommendations that you may feel are old, outdated, boring, slow, whatever. These are two artists I started listening to in high school. Both are extremely talented musicians/groups who are still to this day making music after decades.

--Stevie Wonder--
Some Favorite Song Titles: I Wish, These Three Words, Overjoyed, Ribbon in the Sky, Knocks Me Off My Feet, You and I, Superstition, Blame It On the Sun, I Believe, Sir Duke, Living for the City, For Once In My Life, That Girl

Some Favorite Song Titles: Lets see, the entire first album (under the name Chicago Transit Authority), the entire second album (you have to listen straight through), the fifth album (one of my favorite first records, which I still have), Alive Again, Old Days, Free, and a lot of the ninth album (Greatest Hits 1)

I have many, many, many more favorite songs of many genres. If you would like to discuss music, or view my library, let me know.

I really, really don't understand what the deal is with running stop signs. It is becoming so prevalent that I now assume most people will do it. In my observations I can even watch cars and a lot of times tell who will do it. And what's worse, are the stop signs at work (we have many). They might as well not even be there because they give a false sense of security to me, the pedestrian, that a car might actually stop there. I just get sick of feeling that people feel that their life is so much more significant than everyone else's that they must rush ahead of others to save precious seconds causing frustration and worry to those abiding by the laws.

And don't even get me started on those people with 'Kids First' license plates, speeding through school zones... but I digress.

I am revamping the new site as I never really liked the way it started. I just got something going originally. I am close to a layout I like and soon, I can leave it alone for a while.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Some Random Stuff

Vote for your Pacers for the All-Star Game 2006! Just click here to select JO, Jack, JT, and Foster. Wait, did I leave out Artest. . . YUP!

Happy First Birthday Jacob Zembrodt!

Tonight is the second annual Gingerbread House Build-offs! Good luck to all the contestants.

Oh, and to the residents of Westerville, Ohio, remember your DD!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Some cool news

As you may or may not know, my brother Adam is getting married to a great gal in June this year. We are all very excited for them!

Growing up with him was typical farm boy antics - chasing each other with shovels and baseball bats, torturing each other off all the time, playing tricks like giving them Christmas presents of stuff you stole from them previously - you know, the usual.

But, things changed after I went to college. We actually started talking to each other. We even hung out at each other's fraternity house a few times. When I got married in '04, I asked him to be in my wedding because he had become a good friend of mine.

Tonight he asked me to be the Best Man in his wedding; I wasn't really expecting to be offered that high an honor. I am very excited that I can stand next to him on the day he joins lives with Amanda.

May God bless your relationship and your future marriage.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Ug, its done

So Eric is on his way to F-dub. Last night wasn't too bad loading the trailer. . . except for the fact that the fridge didn't fit in the trailer as of about 11pm. I was convinced we could lift it into the bed of the truck (and I was right). Oh, it was good fun in the dark, freezing cold. Good luck to those of you taking it out :)

Good luck at Lincoln Eric! Oh, and be sure to get to know your neighbors by introducing yourself using the bull horn, HA!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

You Know You Are Old When...

Ok, its not like this is the coolest thing ever, but here it is. I was reading my Consumer Reports mag, and learned something new about certain dishwasher detergents. Some have Enyzmes that help break down the food so you don't need any prewashing at all. I even did a test and the stuff removed burned cheese off of a dish without the Hi-Temp wash, no problem.

So I am now hooked on 2in1 ActionPacs from Cascade.

You can laugh at me, its ok.