Saturday, April 08, 2006

YouTube Rules

I like Mad TV. Recently, there have been a coulpe skits that have made me laugh hard, and even made Kacey laugh (and she doesn't like Mad TV). Here are two that I really like...

Maybe there is something wrong with me, but I can't stop laughing.


Kaco said...

Don't make him think I'm advocating anything on MadTV. The Yule lights one is stupid, and the Bird one is okay. Youre still better off going to E! and watching SNL. or falling asleep.

Fetchy said...

the bird one was pretty funny... ive seen that before while bored at work. content) and vimeo are my top video websites. They are very mac friendly also. plus vimeo is part of the zach klein(fort wayne native, collegehumor creator) company

Kaco said...
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